Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Alcoholism

Alcohol Abuse – Sleeping Problems – Alcohol Dependency – Health Issues – Hypnosis, NLP, CBT and EFT can improve your recovery from Alcoholism, for good.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

The World Health Organisation defines alcohol abuse as the consumption of more than:
  • 21 units of alcohol per week for males
  • 14 units of alcohol per week for females and
  • routinely drinking more than 5 days a week. 

For a man, alcohol abuse means drinking more than 8 pints of normal lager per week on a regular basis. For a woman, it’s drinking more than 1.5 bottles of wine a week regularly. Women are more likely than men to damage their health if they abuse alcohol.
Help with Alcoholism - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Drinking 1 unit of alcohol (preferably red wine) on 5 days a week is not alcohol abuse. In fact, it could actually improve your health by protecting your heart. The difference lies in both the quantity and the type of alcohol you drink.

Alcohol abuse can cause a lot of damage to your body. The best-known problem is liver damage, leading in severe cases to liver cirrhosis. However, alcohol abuse can damage almost any part of your body.

For example, your brain: alcohol abuse can cause dementia and severe memory loss. It also increases your chances of having a heart attack and raises blood pressure.

Alcohol abuse also raises your chances of getting many types of cancer, including cancer of the stomach and oesophagus. It can also severely damage your pancreas and nervous system.

What are the Effects of Alcohol Abuse?

  • Restless sleep and insomnia
  • Liver damage / Cirrhosis
  • Delusional tendencies
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Anxiety after waking
  • Sweating and the shakes
  • Nausea or retching in the morning
  • Vomiting / retching severely
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures or fits
  • Brain switches into starvation mode
  • Increase in appetite and eating
  • Narrowing of arteries / heart damage
  • Damages babies’ health in pregnancy
  • Links to Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia / memory loss
  • Loss of clarity in thinking
  • Cellular neurological damage to brain
  • Increased risk of cancers
  • Relationship issues
  • Increased violence & crime
  • Unemployment / job loss
  • Unable to hold down a job
  • Loss of friends & acquaintances
  • Setting bad example to children
  • Never socially sober
  • Socially unacceptable / inappropriate

Cutting down or stopping drinking is usually just the beginning.

Most people will need some help, which is what Hypnotherapy & NLP provides. It gives you a manageable, long-term Subconscious Support Plan so you are in control and can stay completely alcohol-free.

Getting the right and effective support, short and long term, can be crucial to staying in control in the future. Relying only on your family, friends or carers for support is often not enough. 

What are the Benefits of Being Alcohol Free

  • Staying healthy and in control
  • Improved immune system
  • Less strain on your heart
  • Easy to maintain with Hypnosis and NLP
  • Withdrawal symptoms and triggers controlled
  • Healthy heart and healthy mind
  • Positive clearer-thinking patterns possible
  • Keep your job, potential for promotion
  • Improved relationships at home & workplace
  • Marriage / partnership revived / saved
  • Wife / partner and children happier
  • Clear level-headedness
  • Self-control regained
  • Common sense & dignity restored
  • Serious-mindedness renewed
  • Setting / rejoicing in an example to all
  • Celebrating being sober & cash rich
  • Pride in being FREE of alcohol addiction

How Well do you Sleep

New research, commissioned by the Government, has shown that drinkers in England are unaware of the effects booze can have on sleep and vital brain functions.

The ‘Know Your Limits’ survey by YouGov found that over half of the 2,000 participants didn’t realise that drinking more than the recommended daily limit of alcohol can cause sleep problems. Of those people who were unaware, 63% were men and 53% women.

Nearly half the people who took the survey admitted being tired the day after drinking more than they should – but many didn’t realise it was because the alcohol had interfered with their normal sleep pattern.

Help with Alcoholism - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Drinking too much alcohol can disrupt your sleep and leave you dehydrated. Excessive alcohol consumption also puts your long-term health at risk by increasing your chances of suffering liver cirrhosis (a chronic liver disease marked by degeneration of cells, inflammation and thickening of tissue), stroke or cancer.

Alcohol affects sleep by preventing the brain from releasing a chemical that regulates the amount of water in your body. It can wake you up as your body tries to flush out water, which leads to dehydration. That puts a strain on your body and contributes to the headache you get after drinking heavily.

A few glasses of wine or a heavy drinking session will put you in a deep sleep. However, drinking before bedtime reduces the quality of your sleep and encourages dehydration, altering the blood pressure in your brain. That’s why you wake up feeling tired and sluggish.

The recommended daily limit for alcohol consumption is 2-3 units per day for women (equal to one 250ml glass of 12% alcohol wine) and 3-4 units per day for men (equal to one pint of 5.2% alcohol beer). More than ten million adults are thought to regularly exceed these limits in England alone!

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep and rely on alcohol, you’ll automatically receive Lindsay’s sleep guide with over 30 helpful, practical, effective solutions on how to get a good night’s sleep. It will really help you improve your results as you follow your Hypno- NLP-EFT Therapy programme.

The Road to Recovery

Effective, appropriate, life-changing Hypnosis and NLP Therapy Intervention Treatment can FREE you, in both the short and the long term, from your relationship with alcohol.

If you are physically dependent (addicted), you should perhaps consider doing a medical detox before starting your therapy.

Sometimes Hypnotherapy is useful during this 5-day Medical Drug detox, which you should discuss with your Doctor / and / or appropriate specialist Addiction Counsellor, to support and control withdrawal symptoms.

Though I discourage using drugs, they work if things are desperate; I will get you off the drugs too, as and when it’s appropriate and necessary.

I use a combination of Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Interventions to create a sense of loathing – a real disgust – for alcohol which works 24/7. Supporting your immune system with your extraordinary subconscious provides a permanent and effective change. There’ll be no turning back, guaranteed – your body and mind will be reconfigured!

Remember your body and mind need re-programming to be successful. That’s where Hypnotherapy / NLP comes in, to ensure your long-term healthy objectives and make you a survivor: someone who’s made the move from being a victim to fighting for your right to live.

Most alcoholics or drug addicts have several addictions, and smoking is the most common other addiction by far.

Many recovering alcoholics don’t realise that their cigarette smoking is probably an even greater threat to their health and survival than their drinking was.

More alcoholics die of diseases related to smoking than of diseases related to drinking. Smoking has also been linked to a range of health problems such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis-related hip fractures, as well cancer and heart disease.

New studies have shown there’s a lot of cross-addiction between nicotine and alcohol, because nicotine increases the craving for alcohol.

For many alcoholics, smoking is also a trigger for drinking, so getting clean from cigarettes is a major step toward reducing cravings for alcohol. Many recovering alcoholics have successfully kicked smoking after they quit drinking.

From a Client ...

Help with Alcoholism/Abuse

Dear Lindsay,

I left a message a few weeks ago and you texted me back asking me to email you with the issues, so here I am.

Early in January I spoke to you about my concerns about my husbands alcohol consumption and you gave me some advice, thanks again over the phone.

I did try to get the family on board and to get him to accept some help, which he refused to accept. He swore off the drink for a few weeks but is now back on it again.

The consequences of David’s excessive drinking, and mine too, although not to such an extent, lead me to be continually anxious and functioning on a very high level of stress. I have decided to seek some help for myself for now!

I feel that if I can set an example my husband might follow, but I also need to look after myself and deal with my own problems so that I can stop living my Life in a state of panic.


Lindsay’s Comment

A brave lady to admit her own Alcohol abuses.

Subsequent Outcome Post Therapy

Dear Lindsay. 

It’s been a while but I thought you’d like to know, not only have I stopped being an alcohol abuser, but my stress levels are back in control and I’m so much Jess anxious all of the time.

Extraordinarily, my husband, actually as you suggested might happen has cut back on his Alcohol intake and had quite surprised me.

Thanks 🙏 to you we’re both in a much better place right now.
Actually the aggro has all but gone. So good to truly love and appreciate each other more, more often, the kids too I sense responding to our new calmness. David knows now, that if he needs help he’ll happily see you.

So amazing really…. power of the Subconscious!

All good in our household, thanks so much, to you Lindsay.

Your Session

At the start of your session I will be saying:

‘Before you close your eyes and begin to relax very deeply, I’m just going to say a few words about alcohol withdrawal.’

Your doctor might prescribe medication and psychological support while your body and mind become free of alcohol. There are many resources available from support groups, treatment and rehabilitation centres, professional counselling and pharmacological treatment. This hypnotic session will make becoming free of alcohol easier – and it will make you feel better about getting away from a way of life that was undermining you.

Alcohol is the number one abused drug in the world. We talk about ‘abusing alcohol’ but actually… it abuses us. It kills people and kills relationships and steals financial security. Alcohol misuse is closely linked to violent behaviour and car crashes. It ages the body and can cause the brain to deteriorate to the point of psychosis. Like all addictions, what comes in the guise of a friend and comforter is actually a thief and con artist. It promises comfort – but ultimately brings misery and desolation. An intense relationship with alcohol is like any abusive relationship. Once you are free of it, it will occasionally try to win you back.

When someone breaks free of a damaging relationship there often comes a time when they are feeling a little down, a little bored, a little lonely, or have started to view that past relationship with rose- tinted spectacles, conveniently forgetting all the heartache that went with it. And one night the ex- abusive partner phones them up and suggests maybe they could just meet up, no strings attached, just for old time’s sake. That is the time to be strong – the time to really see that person for the liar and cheat and bully they really are

And there will be times when alcohol will attempt to do that to you. It will try to win you back because before you were an easy target. And you’ll be ready for it when it tries to con you. And the more you ignore it when it attempts to manipulate you, the less it will bother trying to con you back into a relationship with it. Like any bully, the more you tell it ‘NO’, the less and less it will even attempt to drag you down again.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

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Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

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07702 383726

01738 710758