Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Assertiveness

Motivation, Inspiration & Assertiveness Hypnosis / NLP
Cultivate Calmness, Clarity, Peace of Mind, Lucidness & Cohesion, Social & Communication Skills – So you can: Love & Live Life More – Be Different – Achieve More. Get help with assertiveness.

Do You Recognise These?

How do you make yourself heard? How do you cope with people objecting to what you say, or getting upset by it? How do you stop ‘people pleasing’ all the time and say what you think?


  • Your only limit is ‘you’
  • If it doesn’t challenge you ‘It won’t change you
  • Be somebody ‘Nobody thought you could be
  • Don’t Stop when your tired ‘Stop when your done
  • Tough times never last ‘But tough people do
  • If you can’t stop thinking about it ‘Don’t stop working for it
  • Your mind is a powerful thing when you fill it with positive thoughts, ‘your life will begin to change


  • Starting, changing, or ending conversations
  • Sharing feelings, opinions, and experiences with others
  • Making requests and asking for favours 
  • Refusing others’ requests if they are too demanding
  • Questioning rules or traditions that don’t make sense or don’t seem fair
  • Addressing problems or things that bother you 
  • Being firm so that your rights are respected
  • Expressing positive emotions
  • Expressing negative emotions

New You

  • Healthy body ‘A Healthy Mind
  • More Self-Esteem ‘More Confidence
  • Focusing on the ‘Bigger Picture’
  • Healthy Mindset as important as ‘A Healthy Diet
  • Feeling Motivated Feeling Assertive
  • Feeling more Empowerment
  • Re-focused Goals and Aspirations
  • Past Firmly Behind You – Future Looking Brighter NEW YOU – NEW LIFE – NEW LIFESTYLE

Boost workplace motivation and energy with the Motivation at Work Hypnosis & NLP Therapy Session

Everybody has experienced Motivation – but sometimes they didn’t recognise it for what it was. And everybody knows that it’s a valuable asset if you want to get things done and make progress at work or in life generally.

But what do you do when you just can’t find the Motivation?

Lindsay’s A Fully Qualified Motivation Therapist & Coach.

By using the ‘Motivation at Work Hypnosis NLP Session’ you will find the way to that holy grail – the source of all motivation.

Help with Assertiveness - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Your first task is to be realistic, as the pre-talk introduction for the Motivation at Work Hypnosis NLP therapy is focused initially on identifying a clear and discrete area in which you want, most desire to improve your motivation and energy levels. I will then move on to show you and educate you on how to recognize motivation when it happens – by matching it with past experience. The introduction is constructed as a pre-cursor to the induction [and introduction], and takes you into a deeply relaxed trancelike Hypnosis visualised state, before you know it. This where your help with assertiveness begins.

From there it is a matter of identifying and anchoring your own motivation to make it an easily accessible subconscious resource which can transform your working life in ways which you can hardly imagine.

The ‘Assertiveness Motivational Hypnosis & NLP Therapy’ Session was devised to help people like you master the skills to make sure that they don’t always get overlooked, and don’t always have to dissemble and pretend.

The Pretalk introduction explains how much, and why, we are affected by our innate drive to get along with others, and how this can become counter productive if we don’t take steps to assert ourselves. Hypnosis is the ideal way to train in the those necessary and essential skills.

I will invite you to imagine a situation where you want to be more Assertive as the focus for the session, and before a gently deeply relaxing induction allows you to separate yourself from everyday concerns and to focus on your own inner sense of reality.

Two different metaphors provide the basis of an experiential transformation of communication style. You are then guided through ways to express certain incontrovertible truths, and to use that experience to inform how you handle other kinds of truth and certainty that you wish to communicate to others.

Constant Hypnotic / NLP verbal and visual rehearsal of these approaches will ensure that you become familiar and more comfortable with saying what you want to say, how you want to say it, and then with dealing calmly with any kind of response that may arise.

Chronic LACK of Absolute Assertiveness Thinking – How it can mind-churn

As you lie in your bed, do you mull over and say things in your head like: Why do you speak to me like that? – Why can I never say what I really feel? – Why do I always put myself last? – Why do I feel so guilty about standing up for myself? Most of us have had nights like this.

But a chronic lack of Assertiveness can be really inappropriately depressing long term, over and over the scenario plays like a tune stuck in your head. You think of all the things you’d like to have said and told them, the retorts you should have made, all the time frozen in your place unable to take them all back.

Help with Assertiveness - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

The family member that tries to run your life and the pushy salesman pushing you into purchasing something you really didn’t want. The Friend who asks for way too much or The Boss you can’t say no to.

When it comes to saying NO you just can’t do it. Even thinking about it makes you nervous. Even if you force yourself it backfires so much you just take to everything he’s said.

Guilt has you in its vice-like grip.

More Assertiveness & Motivational Inspirational Therapy can change all that.

Do you find it difficult and uncomfortable to say how you feel? If a lack of assertiveness is keeping you awake at night, I can help you. You can escape the overwhelment of anger, depression and anxiety it causes with new skills to stand up for yourself more easily, comfortably and calmly.

“Just stand up for yourself!” You’ll have heard that a million times before? It’s what your well-meaning friends tell you when you complain about the workplace bully or the cruel remarks of a nagging relative. Or what you tell yourself when you lie awake at night. The problem is, they don’t know what it’s like to not be assertive.

That constant mix of overwhelming anxiety anger frustration. The stomach-twisting fear, [that gut feeling / reaction as you think] / as you contemplate about any potential confrontation. The bottled-up rage at others, that you feel deep down inside, for openly manipulating you. And the frustrated fury and annoyance at yourself for not getting to grips with it, putting a stop to it. 

Other people might think ‘not being assertive’ doesn’t really sound like a big deal. Who cares if you’re shy, or care a lot about people’s feelings? That’s not the end of the world, they might think. It means you’re a nice person, just a bit meek.

That’s because people who are assertive don’t quite realise how hopeless it feels when you can’t stand up for yourself.

20 Steps to Help you Connect

  • Share something special
  • Be appreciative
  • Scrap Memorised pitching
  • Cultivate curiosity
  • Be good listener
  • Know your audience
  • “Remember when she cries she buys”
  • Let your passion shine through
  • Take the high road
  • Stay in touch – take a tip from that plastic wrapper and be transparent
  • Don’t pretend to be perfect
  • Seek a common interest
  • Remember the remarkable
  • Ask effective questions
  • Resist urge to be a one-upper
  • Play dumb sometimes
  • Give ‘em something to talk about
  • Brand yourself
  • Lend a Hand

Connecting with Motivation and Assertiveness takes time and effort and it often means putting others before yourself. But it’s worth every second of your time and every ounce of your energy. Your relationships will be more rewarding, and you will become more successful. So don’t settle for a position on the fringes when you could dwell at the epicentre of productivity and success.

From a Client ...

Follow Up Help with Assertiveness

Dear Lindsay
How are you?
I’m still enthusiastic, I’ve been running again today and it felt great.
I feel energised, when I return and if I didn’t have other commitments 
in my Life, [kids etc] I’d start my day with a run everyday.
I rented my student accommodation out today for 3years, so thats very 
I had a few jobs that I may have gone for in beauty, but I’m resisting, as I feel
I might want to do more in promoting a Healthy mind. 
But I don’t really know where to start. …….I do have ideas, but I don’t know how valuable they really are……
I’ve been thinking about cancer sufferers and how they can heal/themselves within, but how little people realize how powerful they actually can be [thinking Hypnosis/NLP and what you’ve done for me] and even when people overcome cancer ♋️, they still beat themselves up about it, when really they could celebrate life and be positive mentors for people still suffering in turn, could help both parties. 
I’m wondering if I should have another Sesh with U? Or U could give me some advice please.
Kindest Regards 
Lindsay’s Responses
I followed Nicola’s request with two further Short Appts, as Nicola could fall into an
Hypnotic trance so easily now, so very comfortably, that she didn’t need any further pre-relaxation inductions. 
We went on/to address her needs and expectations with lashings of NLP reprogramming of the Body / Mind and I’m delighted that she has since responded with such positive Persona News for a second time.
Nicola’s brief update response/ Post Therapy
Dear Lindsay
I’m so loving my New-Life journey, so pleased I waited to see you again.
It really didn’t take much, as I already sensed / actually found my new found 
New aspirational goals. They just needed confirming Subconsciously. 
I’m now working with the NHS doing exactly the sort of work I know for/me 
inspires and has confirmed my new vocation. 
I’m so very grateful LINDSAY 
Best wishes to you, Carol and Family 
Your now a Friend for/Life.
Nicola xx

Choose any of these ‘Communication Hypnosis / NLP Therapy Skills’ Communication Skills

  • Assertiveness Training Be
  • Fascinating 
  • Be Funny
  • Be More Tactful
  • Breaking Bad News
  • Compulsive Lying
  • Conversation Starter
  • Don’t Be Boring
  • Express Your Opinion 
  • Listening Skills
  • Making Small Talk
  • Meeting People
  • Nervous Talking
  • No More Mr Nice Guy
  • Powerful Voice
  • Reading Aloud
  • Saying No
  • Speak Clearly
  • Stand Up For Yourself
  • Stop Apologising
  • Stop Arguing
  • Stop Being Defensive
  • Stop Complaining
  • Stop Cursing / Swearing
  • Stop Giving Advice
  • Stop Gossiping
  • Stop Interrupting
  • Think Before You Speak & Count To Ten Before You Do

When we talk, or when you email me, please mention in the message any of the above Persona Circumstances that you would like to look at.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

Contact Lindsay by Email

Call Lindsay

07702 383726

01738 710758