Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Depression

Discover why depression messes with your sleep, energy and emotion. Depression can leave you exhausted, terrified and confused. The good news is, depression can be treated quickly and effectively. Get help with depression.

Are You Depressed?

Discover why depression messes with your sleep, energy and emotions, and get the tools you need to feel better fast.

If you’re suffering from depression you’re probably worn out with worry and poor sleep and terrified that there’s something terribly wrong with you. You may be thinking you’ll never get better and be confused by all the conflicting information you’re getting.

My clients ask me questions like: “why is this happening to me?”, “What’s wrong with me?”, “Am I ever going to get better?”

Help with Depression - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

The good news is, I can help with depression quickly. I regularly get results that will astonish both you and the medical professionals who have been treating you, without using any drugs.


  • Feeling down/low all the time
  • Can’t sleep
  • Can’t think straight
  • Everything is hard work


  • Anti-depressants, I don’t think so!
  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) can help but rarely cures
  • Motivational exercise
  • Dancing
  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness
  • Hypnotherapy and NLP

New You

  • Past clearly behind you
  • Back in control of your emotions
  • Revitalised and re-focussed
  • More energy and vitality
  • Positive outlook
  • Road clear ahead/regenerated
  • Self esteem and confidence
  • Future bright, feeling and looking happy

From a Client ...

Help with Depression

Hi Lindsay,

My friend Rosamund recommended you to me.

I have been treated for depression on/off for about 8years. I am currently taking Antidepressants, medically prescribed by my Doctor! – which I dislike intensely and would really like to find another way of coping.

I don’t like this sad version of me and feel she isn’t The Real Me! I want to find a way of becoming the me I think I really am… or at least have the potential to become.

Rosamund and I go back a long way and she has seen me experience many ups and downs over the years. I have promised her I will contact you? Which is what I’m doing. I hope you can help.

Many Thanks, Gillian.

Lindsay’s Hypnosis & NLP session subsequently after just one longer Session allowed Gillian to Relax very deeply Into Hypnosis, the trance like Deeply relaxed state that Hypnotherapy provides.

She opted for 3hours as a way of investing in her long associated, uncomfortable associations, that were significantly psychosomatic in origin and had pervaded her life so dramatically for those 8 years.

We dealt with [her] Ruminating past that was undoubtedly pervading her consciousness, those often uncomfortable associations and memories of the past, that were so very personally overwhelming and all consuming. This in turn allowed her Subconscious to re-associate with better thoughts, feelings, sensations and emotions that had party to her elongated Periods of depression.

An ability under Hypnosis to move on from the Stuck Body/Mind state is essential, In fact that Of 90% of ALL Clients Patients who have held onto unhelpful damaging associations!

Once the Brains 🧠 Innapropriate programming is changed, depression soon lifts, in fact within that one essential re-programming Mind and Body Session, this client, like so many others walked free of depression from my Garden Lodge Therapy lounge. The veil had been lifted, helped by suggestion pre-therapy, that she slowly came off her antidepressants over 4/5days prior to Appt.

In this way she was allowing me in Therapy to guide her Subconscious Mind in the right direction. Many depression states are so affected by Brain 🧠 Fog due time their long associations with antidepressants, that they’re unable to let go of their conscious overwhelments. It’s true to say that most states of chronic depression are psychosomatically links to ones past!

I’m please to report this client continued to recover fully and got her Life Back under control, 8yrs on. Sadly I didn’t get to see her earlier.

Treating Depression Without Drugs

Help with Depression - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

New research, that few people know about yet, has revolutionised our understanding of getting help with depression and given sufferers their life back.

When you understand this new approach, depression losses its power over you. You’ll know what causes it, and its’s nothing to do with chemical imbalances as you’ve probably guessed.

From this understanding I have developed a complimentary blend of psychological techniques using behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, hypnosis and plenty of NLP

Take it at your own pace in a relaxed hypnosis and NLP therapy session.

When you are depressed your brain is exhausted, which makes learning hard. So your session gives you the chance to relax deeply and absorb new information slowly during two 90 minute sessions, over a morning or afternoon to suit you. Hypnosis works so fast for depression relief because of the relaxation and recovery effect it has on an exhausted brain.

This treatment will not necessarily replace the help you can get from a qualified medical professional although it can. But if you already getting help then hypnotherapy will make that help more effective. I usually have clients off their drugs within a matter of days, fully restored, subconsciously supported, in control and with a felling of harmony in mind and body.

If you’re suffering from mild to moderate depression, and just want to know how to get rid of it and stop it coming back, this session is perfect for you too.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

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Call Lindsay

07702 383726

01738 710758