Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Hypnotherapy - The Process

Once you decide that Lindsay can help you, here is an outline of how the process works. I thought it would be useful for You to understand upfront how we will work together.

Here's What Won't Happen with Hypnotherapy

In other words, it’s very safe. In fact Hypnotherapy is rather exciting, and relaxing in a very peaceful way.

Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

My Hypnotherapy pattern for virtually everyone I see almost regardless of need takes the following format after the initial contact:

We agree the appointment time, the price structure and the session content/therapy and how that can help.

This is What Will Happen! Your Hypnotherapy Appointment

Your first 30mins Consultation will be with Carol Heron, where appropriate, whose empathy and understanding you’ll readily relax to. Followed immediately after, Lindsay always present, who will introduce you to the process of deep relaxation and what’s behind Hypnotherapy the Body/Mind state we call Hypnosis and NLP and how this will help you overcome your concerns with comfort and ease. We will waylay any fears of the process of Hypnosis, reassurance of my Email reply and confirmation that you will walk away post therapy from my Garden Lodge Therapy Lounge ‘feeling 100% better than you are feeling right now’.

You will re-learn how to breath deeper from the diaphragm, where so many uncomfortable gut feelings are held,  and shown how to release the uncomfortable associations, those physical sensations that become so/often permanently Stuck in The Gut. Gut Feelings / uncomfortable Gut Sensations that are often refereed to As Butterfly’s in the stomach!

Hypnotherapy NLP process begins

Hypnotherapy NLP process ends

If it takes 90mins for initial Consultation and 1 Hours Therapy for £90, Or 2 to 3hours 45mins so be it. If it takes longer 4+ hours, so be it.

Everyone reacts, Responds in their very own natural and very specific / essential Persona paced way.

You will stay in The Hypnotic Trance state until you can feel the difference. You will walk away feeling relief, refreshed, re-focused, re-energised and with high expectations about the changes you are already feeling about a new life, a new lifestyle.

YOUR PAST? Well and truly behind you with ‘Time-Line‘ and OR ‘Rewind Therapy‘, as appropriate for, as part of the Feeling Better generalised Therapy, that everyone Essentially receives.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.