Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Relaxation and Pain

Pain Relief & Control / Relaxation Breathing Techniques.

Lindsay can additionally Help you with whatever’s causing your pain, with subtle vibrational/harmonisation pain relief, and whilst undergoing HYPNOSIS using scientifically proven Alternative Bio-Medical Bio-Resonance.  Learn More

Recent International [£14Million] Research, including Double Blind Tests, have now proven for the first time, that this Therapy works for Neurological and other pain syndromes without the need for Medical Drug interventions. It’s a world 1st and recognised World-Wide by International Health bodies including the NHS, but yet to be rolled out.

Lindsay has his own device, that you can be connected to, to help the physical awareness side of pain, which compliments hypnosis & NLP appropriately.

People with chronic conditions often fear that they are condemned to a life of pain and suffering. If you’re suffering from a chronic condition, our Chronic Pain Management hypnosis and NLP therapy can help. You can significantly change your perception and experience of the pain you encounter.

Paying Attention to the Neurological Signals

Pain is an unpredictable phenomenon, but your perception of pain can be significantly altered by re-directing your attention and creating associations that feel more comfortable. You can learn to sense pain in a completely different, disassociated way that doesn’t take over your life.

Building hope, changing perceptions, feelings and expectations.

Lindsay’s Father Norman MacVean Heron [1909-1995] Dental Surgeon LDS RCS Edin practised using Hypnosis/NLP to provide pain Free procedures with ‘Hypnotic Analgesia‘ for over 35years in his Dental Practice. Anaesthesia is not always appropriate, or safe in comparison with Hypnotic Analgesia.


  • Stabbing pain or chronic prickling 
  • Feeling pain or discomfort on a daily basis 
  • Sports injury pain 
  • Accident damage pain 
  • Arthritis pain and discomfort
  • Neuropathy (nerve) pain 
  • Cartilage damage pain 
  • Joint pain from wear and tear
  • Hip and joint replacement 
  • Shoulder dislocation and/or joint pain
  • And so on – see how Lindsay can help you

Cause and Effect

  • Back pain
  • Strain from lifting, stooping, bending, heavy work 
  • Poor flexibility, stiffness, carrying excess weight 
  • Impact damage from extreme sports  
  • Joint cartilage wear and tear 
  • Nerve damage from joint pressure
  • Twisting inappropriately or too fast 
  • Skiing joint damage and bone fractures 
  • Damage to knees and hips from long-distance running 
  • General wear and tear from unhealthy diet or being overweight
  • And so on – see how Lindsay can speed up your recovery and ease the burden of chronic pain


  • Extreme or general pain 
  • Hip pain 
  • Painful knees
  • Myofacial pain hypnosis
  • Pain perception and intensity  
  • Neuropathic pain treatment 
  • Post-operative healing and phantom limb pain  
  • Rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis
  • Shingles pain 
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain 
  • Back and sciatica pain 
  • Period pain •
  • Getting off and staying off long-term pain-relief drugs 
  • And more – please ask if you’re unsure how hypnosis can help you

When we talk, or when you email me, please mention in the message any of the above addictions that you would like to look at.

Help with Relaxation - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

From a Client ...

Help with Relaxation for Anger Management

I’ve been reading through your profile and I am wondering if you could help me.

I am going to be very honest with you, I have an anger problem and have tried CBT Counselling with NHS which doesn’t work for me and I’m in dire need of getting help with my Anger, the slightest and most stupidist things can send me into a rage.

I am engaged to the most fabulous and fun loving woman I’ve ever met and I do not want my anger to be an issue in my life anymore as I know it will destroy our relationship. There has been no physical anger towards my fiancée. I feel I need to try something new – please help me. I sense my life, my future depends on it.


Lindsay’s response and subsequent client outcome.

I saw this gentleman after a few Emails back and forth, acknowledging how much he could seek to change his life with the power of his Subconscious Brain 🧠 changes in his Thoughts Feelings, uncomfortable unhelpful associations generally and how he could Disengage all of his Persona Anger Overwhelments in a more Helpful appropriate manner.

Effectively channel those strong emotions in a different more helpfully positive way, taking into account Cause and Effects wise.

One longer session 2.5 Hours allowed Rob, time for some deep relaxation / realignment of his Brain thinking processes, effectively guiding his Mind / Brain with his Subconscious resourses, in a new direction, changing and dealing with the root cause which was Psychosomatically linked to past childhood Traumas.

Dear Lindsay & Carol.

I thought to let you know how I’m doing, as it’s been 5 months+ since you kindly saw me and helped me.

It was calming and helpful to have Carol’s listening ear, with you both there in the first instance at Consultation. 

She added essential empathy and much understanding about how & why I’d be feeling this way, directing my thoughts to a past trauma, this allowing you Lindsay to step in, so to speak and guide my Mind Body overwhelments that we’re causing my excruciating Anger Problems.

I feel like a different Guy, having dealt firmly and squarely with my past and we’ve got married I’m delighted to say, now with my Life & My Wife’s firmly established.

The ‘Rewind’ technique most definitely secured my freedom from a very unhappy angry, unfathomable, overwhelming past. I must say I feel really tranquil now, settled in Mind & Body with the past well and truly behind me.

AND – as I now can’t see the trauma any more, the pictures I had in my mind, by smashing that mirrored image of myself enduring those uncomfortable times. Who’d have believed when you can’t see the image any more, how it can never ever affect you, again! Amazing.

I can’t thank you enough. My Fiancée, whoops! My WIFE is so grateful too. Warmest regards and I/we’d have no hesitation in recommending anyone else to see you.

Best wishes


What Causes Pain Awareness

Autonomic Nerves

These nerves control the involuntary or partially-voluntary activities of your body, including your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and temperature regulation.

Motor Nerves

These nerves control your movements and actions by passing information from your brain and spinal cord to your muscles.

Sensory Nerves

These nerves relay information from your skin and muscles back to your spinal cord and brain. The information is then processed to let you feel pain and other sensations.

Even when nerve pain and nerve damage are mild they can still seriously affect your quality of life.

Lindsay’s father, a dental surgeon, used ‘hypno-analgesia’ for over 40 years as an alternative to anaesthetics. He found that it was possible to relax a patient into a hypnotic trance, allowing their subconscious to take over and avoiding any awareness or expectation of pain. Even during and after major tooth extractions and the nerve disturbance related to drilling and filling, it always worked.

Your mind has extraordinary power to change your perceptions: you can learn to manage pain easily and effectively.

So please tell me about your issue: I should be able to help.

Questions I’ll need you to answer for me:

  • How long has your pain lasted ?
  • How bad is your pain/discomfort, on a scale of 1-10 [10 being worst]?
  • What’s causing it: nerves, sports strain, accident or something else?
  • Where do you hurt: joints, back, shoulder, neck, other?
  • Have you seen a medical specialist: doctor, physiotherapist, neurologist, chiropractor ?
  • Do you take medication for pain? If so, how long have you been taking it?

Hypnosis changes your perception and expectation, reducing the impact of pain. Whatever the source of your pain, hypnosis and NLP therapy can and does help significantly reduce pain intensity, making life much easier to cope with.

The hypnosis trance induction talk gives a brief introduction to some simple approaches which can improve pain management both immediately and over time. It’s designed to show you that life isn’t as hopeless as you might have feared: you can actually look forward to feeling much better about your pain and its impact on your life. The trance-like, deeply relaxed state of hypnosis will re-align your perceptions and feelings of pain.

Anyone can be hypnotised as long as they’re willing, not resistant to the potential of change and, most importantly, not sceptical about the process or outcomes.

Stories have been used for their healing power throughout the centuries. I use stories that teach your subconscious a new kind of awareness and help you take control of your comfort level so that you can begin to alter it at will.

The stories help you to feel and experience your pain, permanently or just occasionally, as having been felt and dealt with. It’s already in the past.

In this way your chronic pain is reduced from a frightening bugbear, 10 out of 10 in perception terms, to a more manageable 2-3 (often less) in terms of the impact it has on every aspect of your life.

Relief and control of anticipated pain can have a massively significant and uplifting effect on your body and mind. It can and does change people’s lives, improving their lifestyle for good.

  • Relief from fibromyalgia
  • Ease chronic pain
  • Ease painful knees
  • Deep pain relief
  • Modify pain perceptions
  • Post-operative healing
  • Phantom limb pain treatment
  • Relieve rheumatoid and oesteo-arthritis
  • Overcome the pain of shingles
  • Treatment for TMJ pain
  • And so on 
Help with Relaxation - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Allow Lindsay to help you back to comfort with a pain relief hypnosis session.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

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Call Lindsay

07702 383726

01738 710758