Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Help with Thinking Skills

Business Acumen – Communication & Thinking Skills.

A focused mind will help you grow your business or career – Using hypnosis sessions to target job and business skills will help you gain traction and build your career and your business. Get help with Thinking Skills.

Business Skills Development

Many aspects of business are affected by your ability to make decisions, assimilate information, lead a team and ultimately better yourself. Issues can escalate fast, especially in a busy environment/team where you feel overwhelming pressure to perform at your best from staff, peers and bosses.

Your first step is to recognise that you have a knowledge or confidence gap and try to pin down the real issue. Whether that’s confidence, experience, nerves or simply being asked to do too much, all is not lost. A session of relaxing hypnotherapy will help you take stock, readjust and go forward with more purpose.

Help with Thinking Skills - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

Business Development

Personal Issues

  • Your morning routine is non-existent
  • You forget your strengths when you need them most
  • You need to make incremental changes to manage time better 
  • You work on tasks better delegated to someone else 
  • You procrastinate too much / lack focus
  • You lack confidence and self-esteem 
  • You worry about leading your team
  • Shyness holds you back
  • You doubt your abilities
  • You avoid difficult conversations 
  • You don’t say ‘thank you’ or smile 
  • You need to feel happier so that it reflects on others
  • You forget your inner life determines your outer success 
  • You spend too much time recovering from stumbles and setbacks 
  • Home life affects business outcomes inappropriately or other way round
  • And so on….

External Issues

  • Finance and the economy
  • Weather or micro-environmental factors 
  • Infrastructure and laws 
  • Customers
  • Employees’ work ethic 
  • Distribution channels and suppliers 
  • Marketing and competitors
  • Investors’ influence 
  • Media and the general public 
  • Trends and fashions 
  • Family issues 
  • Relationships with co-workers 
  • Job terms of reference 
  • Job skills and options to re-train
  • Unhappiness with your job
  • And so on….
Help with Thinking Skills - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron


  • Be more excited about your and others’ potential
  • Make more happen
  • Create your business plan
  • Determine your objectives
  • Create a goals and objectives check list
  • Achieve your financial goals and expectations
  • Use your plan strategically and network
  • Seek and find an appropriate lifestyle change
  • Rise above the overwhelm from your peers / bosses
  • Re-assess all your options
  • Lead your team and share your enthusiasm
  • Build more confidence and self-esteem
  • Be more professional: open to change and critique
  • Be more decisive, goal-orientated and aspiration-focused
  • Speak more clearly, concisely and comfortably
  • Deliver business messages well in front of peers and/or public
  • And so much more – see how Lindsay can help

When we talk, or when you email me, please mention in the message any of the above addictions that you would like to look at.

Examples of Issues Hypnotherapy Can Deal With


The ‘Business Networking Confidence’ hypnosis and NLP therapy helps you get more benefit from networking.

How to use Hypnosis and NLP to boost confidence

Business networking is an important part of the marketing that any business has to do to be successful. But many people find networking daunting, and feel uncomfortable ‘selling their wares’ in what feels more like a social than a sales environment.

The ‘Business Networking Confidence’ Hypnosis and NLP therapy session was developed to help you get more of the benefits of networking and feel more comfortable about developing your networking skills. Before we start your session I explain why, even though networking is so important to the success of a business, it can sometimes feel so difficult. Hypnosis can help develop the inner mind-set that will make networking easier and more rewarding.

Help with Thinking Skills - Hypnotherapy and NLP in Perthshire with Lindsay Heron

A relaxing induction prepares you for the hypnosis trance work to come, allowing you to enter a focused, receptive state of mind where changes can be made at a very deep level.

You are invited to reconnect both with your own capacity to be effective and with your true purpose in engaging in your particular field of work. These elements are amplified through metaphor and applied to a truly rewarding visualisation experience of using networking easily and confidently.

This Session will enable you to integrate your new relaxed approach and to become naturally better at networking in support of your business goals.

Emotional Job Stress

The ‘Emotional Job Stress’ hypnosis and NLP therapy session will help you ‘decompress’ after work.

How to use Hypnosis to stop taking work home

Very stressful jobs are hard work when you’re at work. But many people find themselves taking the stress home with them. It can be tough to switch off and shut down.

The ‘Emotional Job Stress’ hypnotherapy programme was created to provide people with an effective way to compartmentalise their work and home lives so that work doesn’t take over completely.

A hypnotic trance induction looks at how the demands of work can ‘creep’ until they take over your whole life, with negative effects all round. Separating work and private life, and finding ways to ‘decompress’, is essential to your health, well-being and efficiency at work.

A carefully-structured introduction both shows you the process of decompression and starts to train you in how to do it for yourself. Indirect suggestions prepare the way for the hypnotic trance work to come.

When you’re deeply relaxed, you’re guided through a metaphorical process that you can adapt and use in your own specific circumstances.  This allows you to adopt and maintain a clear separation of work and private life. Rehearsal therapy gives you a strong grounding in what it’s like to use this technique in daily life, and to start to see the increasing benefits that it can bring.

From a Client ...

Help with Thinking About Myself

I have reached a stage in/my life where I need to drastically change the way I think about myself, as the knock-on effect of this is having immense effects on ALL other aspects of my attitude and personality.

To that end I would like to talk to someone and set-up a programme by which I can refocus my perspective.

Would you be kind enough to let me know how I book a Session/programme to get
me on the right road, and also to discuss prices.

Kind Regards


Lindsays overview response
Solution focused Hypnotherapeutic NLP Sessions were set up so that with an empathetic listening ear and focused attention to her Consultation / embracing heart felt honesty and openesss, Laura’s specific needs and expectations were to be met over a period of 2Appts. Each of 2/3 hours duration.
Client Respoence some time later 
Dear Lindsay
As promised I’m responding back about my recent Sessions with you. I’m more than amazed at myself and my ability to now embrace my New Persona. I’ve learnt and continue to Love myself more. My self-esteem and confidences have grown beyond my expectations. I genuinely feel restored, a new ME has emerged with all/my worries and innapropriate psychosomatically associated negativities behind me. Just as you said I would benefit and feel. Past behind me now, refocused and driving down a new road in my life.
Bless you for your guidance and help with extraordinary Hypnosis & NLP.
Who’d have believed it. Thank you so much LINDSAY.
Warmest regards

How Can I Help with Your Business Acumen

I can deal with up to 6 topics with the 3 hour session but if you require more then this may require more sessions.

  • Asking for a Raise
  • Attention to Detail
  • Bad Boss
  • Be a Better Manager
  • Be a Better Writer
  • Be More Persuasive
  • Be More Proactive
  • Be More Professional
  • Be Natural On Camera
  • Be Punctual
  • Beat Interview Anxiety
  • Becoming a Leader
  • Business Networking Confidence
  • Career Change Confidence
  • Choosing Careers
  • Confidence in Meetings
  • Confidence with Your Boss
  • Confident Delegating
  • Crying at Work
  • Emotional Job Stress
  • Enjoy Paperwork
  • Enjoy Your Work
  • Find a New Job
  • Finish What You Start
  • Impromptu Speech
  • Improve Typing Speed
  • Job Loss
  • Job Search Perseverance
  • Making Big Decisions
  • Meet Deadlines
  • Monday Blues
  • Personal Time Management
  • Powerful Public Speaking
  • Presentation Anxiety (Long Term)
  • Project Management Planning
  • Public Speaking Fear
  • Questions from Hell in Presentations
  • Return to Work
  • Selling Skills Superstar
  • Speak Without Notes
  • Starting a New Job
  • Team Player
  • Telesales Confidence

When we talk, or when you email me, please mention in the message any of the above addictions that you would like to look at.

Lindsay's Guarantee

If needed I will provide a Free Ego-Strengthening Session up to 9 months after your Primary Appointment Session in the extremely unlikely case that this should required.


Of course results may vary from person to person and full recovery is not guaranteed.  Our aim, however, is to help you with your symptoms to whatever extent we can. Read our complete DISCLAIMER and FAQ’s page here.

Open a Conversation

Let’s open a conversation and find the right package for you! You don’t have to be stuck anymore. Let me help you move forward to become the ‘you’ you want to be.

Contact Lindsay by Email

Call Lindsay

07702 383726

01738 710758